feel so weak today.
just feel angry at anyone getting in my way.
hearing others' laughter make my heart boils. like shit.
feel so damn unfair.
Hopefully, tml I am gonna b alright.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
hunting bags, bringing home clothes.
hey tweepies!
saya hendak mengupdate keseharianku kmaren neh. Tepatnya, hari senin, 08th feb. soale saya updatenya kemaleman.
kakiku pegal deh. pijat dunk Tweety. XD. Thx B4.
Well, to start w, I had another nightmare. Actually, it's not really a nightmare. it was just a dream that successfully made me jumped out of my bed. IS IT so Ridiculous!
It was a dream abt My Bro having a SNAKE as his pet. He was saying that he wanted to take care of it till it grows big so that He can sell it for a better price in future.
The Weirdest thing was that it doesnt bite but it liked to lick on people. Weird, rite?
A snake with its splitted tongue licked on u.
Then, the tragedy started. It attacked me, specifically, it targeted on my butt. I was so scared that I woke up finding myself in a position which indicated that i just JUMPED out of my bed.
That was so stupid but funny if i recalled it. HAHAHAHs
What a FUN but SCARY dream I had last night.
Continue on~
yesterday aftnoon, I went to ManggoTwo with my sec sch friends to hunt some bags.
we walked ard and cant really find the most suited bags but i instead got some clothes.
a blue strong shoulder shirt and a black army strong-shoulder jacket.
yang kayak dipake ama YOON EUN HYE di my fair lady itu tuh~ ato ga yg dipake BELLA di kesetiaan cinta.
but that's not really my style, good for updating myself though. :)
one thing that i dont really understand is that ' how people decide the clothes tt they like?'
sometimes, i dun really like to buy clothes when Im w someone becoz i was just too afraid to choose the clothes i wanted.
i always have the thought 'when i say this shirt is nice, do they think alike?'
well, people have diff taste and preference. sometimes u need ppl to judge for u too!
Still, I find it hard to find clothes for myself when it comes to my turn to choose.
hehehe.. back to diary.
yeah, so i dont really get red shirt for CNY. so i have no choice but to wear the dress my mom bought for me.. orrrr~ maybe i can match it w the jacket tt i bought ytd? Should try it later.
Oh ya! i havent found new shoes yet. hope, can get it. if not, that's okay.
anyway, thanks to my friends for helping find a brandnew style clothes for me.
I need to get some confindence to wear those so it wont be just a mere addition on my closet.
it's late nw. so gotta sleep!
TWEEPIES! say nite!
the ad i like.
ring ring. mom picks up.
mom: halo?
daughter: mom, im late. *tut tut tut
mom: halo. halo. my daughter got pregnant!
mom calls dad.
dad: mom, i got a new one.
mom: halo? halo? *tut tut tut
mom shouted : my daughter got pregnant! my husband got an affair!
This ad is v funny. it's abt phone line though.
saya hendak mengupdate keseharianku kmaren neh. Tepatnya, hari senin, 08th feb. soale saya updatenya kemaleman.
kakiku pegal deh. pijat dunk Tweety. XD. Thx B4.
Well, to start w, I had another nightmare. Actually, it's not really a nightmare. it was just a dream that successfully made me jumped out of my bed. IS IT so Ridiculous!
It was a dream abt My Bro having a SNAKE as his pet. He was saying that he wanted to take care of it till it grows big so that He can sell it for a better price in future.
The Weirdest thing was that it doesnt bite but it liked to lick on people. Weird, rite?
A snake with its splitted tongue licked on u.
Then, the tragedy started. It attacked me, specifically, it targeted on my butt. I was so scared that I woke up finding myself in a position which indicated that i just JUMPED out of my bed.
That was so stupid but funny if i recalled it. HAHAHAHs
What a FUN but SCARY dream I had last night.
Continue on~
yesterday aftnoon, I went to ManggoTwo with my sec sch friends to hunt some bags.
we walked ard and cant really find the most suited bags but i instead got some clothes.
a blue strong shoulder shirt and a black army strong-shoulder jacket.
yang kayak dipake ama YOON EUN HYE di my fair lady itu tuh~ ato ga yg dipake BELLA di kesetiaan cinta.
but that's not really my style, good for updating myself though. :)
one thing that i dont really understand is that ' how people decide the clothes tt they like?'
sometimes, i dun really like to buy clothes when Im w someone becoz i was just too afraid to choose the clothes i wanted.
i always have the thought 'when i say this shirt is nice, do they think alike?'
well, people have diff taste and preference. sometimes u need ppl to judge for u too!
Still, I find it hard to find clothes for myself when it comes to my turn to choose.
hehehe.. back to diary.
yeah, so i dont really get red shirt for CNY. so i have no choice but to wear the dress my mom bought for me.. orrrr~ maybe i can match it w the jacket tt i bought ytd? Should try it later.
Oh ya! i havent found new shoes yet. hope, can get it. if not, that's okay.
anyway, thanks to my friends for helping find a brandnew style clothes for me.
I need to get some confindence to wear those so it wont be just a mere addition on my closet.
it's late nw. so gotta sleep!
TWEEPIES! say nite!
the ad i like.
ring ring. mom picks up.
mom: halo?
daughter: mom, im late. *tut tut tut
mom: halo. halo. my daughter got pregnant!
mom calls dad.
dad: mom, i got a new one.
mom: halo? halo? *tut tut tut
mom shouted : my daughter got pregnant! my husband got an affair!
This ad is v funny. it's abt phone line though.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
it's boring sunday.
it's sunday! and i feel so bored here!
A trip to MAG is just too boring becuz there are nothing there!
there are only a few shops that fulfil ur needs but no guarantee that u will get something from there!
anyway, CNY is ard the corner! have u done ur preparation? I havent!
I havent bought new RED attire that i like, a pair of shoes and bag.
hope, i can get them b4 this Saturday!
nowadays, i feel so annoyed w fb. becoz all of my friends seem disappeared.
no updates. no news.
where the hell are they gone?
maybe, they are so busy w their sch work and stuffs.
arrgghh, im so jealous of their busy life now. since i feel that im the only one in this world having no worthy activity to do.
i bought an IELTS practice book for 200k rupiahs and havent done any practice at all.
I should really make time to do self-reflection. DAMN IT!!!
I hate this worthless and lazy me.
A trip to MAG is just too boring becuz there are nothing there!
there are only a few shops that fulfil ur needs but no guarantee that u will get something from there!
anyway, CNY is ard the corner! have u done ur preparation? I havent!
I havent bought new RED attire that i like, a pair of shoes and bag.
hope, i can get them b4 this Saturday!
nowadays, i feel so annoyed w fb. becoz all of my friends seem disappeared.
no updates. no news.
where the hell are they gone?
maybe, they are so busy w their sch work and stuffs.
arrgghh, im so jealous of their busy life now. since i feel that im the only one in this world having no worthy activity to do.
i bought an IELTS practice book for 200k rupiahs and havent done any practice at all.
I should really make time to do self-reflection. DAMN IT!!!
I hate this worthless and lazy me.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
COLD is making me so COLD.
Padahal hari ini SABTU, the day b4 Sunday. Why do I get cold?
i hate it, man! nose is running, head is spinning and body feels so weak.
Urrgh! Damn!
if my condition stays like this i wont be able enjoy my weekend well..
maybe i shud exercise to be fitter then.
Oh yeah.. today,, some of friens are going to TEKONG ISLAND. they are to serve the nation.
TAKE CARE, friends!
i so wanna see them with 'no hair' hairdo! hahaha.. NO OFFENCE!
aahh.. just visited FB. i dont know they are more and more ppl forgetting the use of FB.
isnt it the media where u can update ur status anytime u want? then why ppl complained abt tt and talk bad abt ppl who updated their status more often than them?
if they dont like it, just leave them alone and dont threaten by mentionin abt removing friends. Otherwise, tt person will remove urself instead cos it's not like everyone want to be friend with you.
OKAY! this is just a piece of my opinion abt FB usage nowadays. i mean no harm.
but sooner or later, FB users must be wiser when they use this service. we cant take FB for granted.
Well, HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY for FB anyway! thanks for making a great application!
AAARRGH! my nose is still running. I need MORE tissues!
i hate it, man! nose is running, head is spinning and body feels so weak.
Urrgh! Damn!
if my condition stays like this i wont be able enjoy my weekend well..
maybe i shud exercise to be fitter then.
Oh yeah.. today,, some of friens are going to TEKONG ISLAND. they are to serve the nation.
TAKE CARE, friends!
i so wanna see them with 'no hair' hairdo! hahaha.. NO OFFENCE!
aahh.. just visited FB. i dont know they are more and more ppl forgetting the use of FB.
isnt it the media where u can update ur status anytime u want? then why ppl complained abt tt and talk bad abt ppl who updated their status more often than them?
if they dont like it, just leave them alone and dont threaten by mentionin abt removing friends. Otherwise, tt person will remove urself instead cos it's not like everyone want to be friend with you.
OKAY! this is just a piece of my opinion abt FB usage nowadays. i mean no harm.
but sooner or later, FB users must be wiser when they use this service. we cant take FB for granted.
Well, HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY for FB anyway! thanks for making a great application!
AAARRGH! my nose is still running. I need MORE tissues!
Friday, February 5, 2010
it's all abt missing ppl!
It's friday afternoon!
didnt woke up with a fresh mind. dreamt abt a bunch of CHEM teachers from CTSS and PJC. Surprising huh?
i really have no idea why the hell I dreamt abt them, maybe i missed chem lesson. duh!
OMG, im so hungry right now. I so wanna diet but i cant stand this hunger pangs.
before CNY which is in less than 2 weeks..i hope i can at least make my arms less flabby.
good if no more flabby arms but too bad, it is impossible.
wakakaka.. it's a sign i have to endure the heat during the slimming treatment later.
Sunako-chan~ the actors were not good looking at all!
didnt woke up with a fresh mind. dreamt abt a bunch of CHEM teachers from CTSS and PJC. Surprising huh?
i really have no idea why the hell I dreamt abt them, maybe i missed chem lesson. duh!
OMG, im so hungry right now. I so wanna diet but i cant stand this hunger pangs.
before CNY which is in less than 2 weeks..i hope i can at least make my arms less flabby.
good if no more flabby arms but too bad, it is impossible.
wakakaka.. it's a sign i have to endure the heat during the slimming treatment later.
Sunako-chan~ the actors were not good looking at all!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Badan saya BENTOL2!
waaahh.. sudah malem~
uda mau tidur ney.. tapi badan gatal2 digigitin nyamuk~
parah.. satu nyamuk aja GANASnya minta ampun..
tuh nyamuk pasti uda kenyang minumin darah g beberapa hari ini..
kamar uda disemprotin BAYGON, tapi ga mempan.. parah2...
klo ktm tuh nyamuk, g bejek2 tuh..
reseh.. malah sekarang bentolnya gede2 banget..
beteweesweteesceteve... lage ntn film kesetiaan cintrong...
hahahaha.. filmnya lelet bgt.. tapi lebih mending drpd cintrong fitri siy..
heran.. satu scene aja dlama2in.. pake nyorotin muka pemain satu2..
padahal pembuatan filem dulu bgs2.. knp sekarang jadi ga bermutu gini ya?
malah filem2nya semua hasil copy-an..
hmhmhm.. uda ah.. mo garukin badan dulu.. GATEL!
uda mau tidur ney.. tapi badan gatal2 digigitin nyamuk~
parah.. satu nyamuk aja GANASnya minta ampun..
tuh nyamuk pasti uda kenyang minumin darah g beberapa hari ini..
kamar uda disemprotin BAYGON, tapi ga mempan.. parah2...
klo ktm tuh nyamuk, g bejek2 tuh..
reseh.. malah sekarang bentolnya gede2 banget..
beteweesweteesceteve... lage ntn film kesetiaan cintrong...
hahahaha.. filmnya lelet bgt.. tapi lebih mending drpd cintrong fitri siy..
heran.. satu scene aja dlama2in.. pake nyorotin muka pemain satu2..
padahal pembuatan filem dulu bgs2.. knp sekarang jadi ga bermutu gini ya?
malah filem2nya semua hasil copy-an..
hmhmhm.. uda ah.. mo garukin badan dulu.. GATEL!
saya berkomentar ttg blog.
mumpung ini pos pertama semenjak nge-hidupin kutukupretz, g bingung mo ngisi apa.
sebenarnya sih emang males ngeblog abiesnya ga taw mau nulis ttg apa.
klo g nulis ttg komplen2 sama politik, buku, seseorang, ekonomi pastinya ntar disela macem2.
ntar bilangnya g apalah.. cape deh ah sama org kepo.
klo mo baca ya baca.. klo ga suka ya pergi aja.. ngapain juga ngabisin waktu ELO2 pd buat ngeluarin amarah di blog g.
yg namanya blog kn suka2 g..
asal g belom melanggar hak asasi yg laen.. ya udalah yaa.. gtu aja dipusingin..
cape deh..
akhir2 ini, freedom of speech kemana siy..
parah parah~
yowes tooohh.. baru post pertama uda ngomel2..
yaa.. klo kalian yg kebetulan baca blog ini.. klo ad salah2 kata yg emang g ga pinter mikir apa yg g tulis.. tolong yaa. ngasih tw bae2.. ga usah pake tanda seru alias marah2..
sebagai manusia kn ga da yg sempurna.. qta juga pasti bikin salah..
pertama bikin blog bingung juga siy mo dipake buat apa..
ngeliat blog org laen.. ad yg buat ngungkapin perasaan, ad yg buat ajang mamer, ajang kreatifitas, ajang ngasiy tw se-eksis apa mereka, dll.
makanya ini, g jadi bingung.. byasa siy.. mo mulis pake ENGLISH. tapi ENG g ancur abies mpe rumah sakit pun ga bisa nolong.
apa g nulis kesehariaan g seperti byasa ya..
tapi ntar pada tw gimana? yaa ga usa detail2 amat x yaa..
yoda deh.. mo nyari kulit2 blog yg bgs dulu,,, biar kelihatan bgs..
mumpung ini pos pertama semenjak nge-hidupin kutukupretz, g bingung mo ngisi apa.
sebenarnya sih emang males ngeblog abiesnya ga taw mau nulis ttg apa.
klo g nulis ttg komplen2 sama politik, buku, seseorang, ekonomi pastinya ntar disela macem2.
ntar bilangnya g apalah.. cape deh ah sama org kepo.
klo mo baca ya baca.. klo ga suka ya pergi aja.. ngapain juga ngabisin waktu ELO2 pd buat ngeluarin amarah di blog g.
yg namanya blog kn suka2 g..
asal g belom melanggar hak asasi yg laen.. ya udalah yaa.. gtu aja dipusingin..
cape deh..
akhir2 ini, freedom of speech kemana siy..
parah parah~
yowes tooohh.. baru post pertama uda ngomel2..
yaa.. klo kalian yg kebetulan baca blog ini.. klo ad salah2 kata yg emang g ga pinter mikir apa yg g tulis.. tolong yaa. ngasih tw bae2.. ga usah pake tanda seru alias marah2..
sebagai manusia kn ga da yg sempurna.. qta juga pasti bikin salah..
pertama bikin blog bingung juga siy mo dipake buat apa..
ngeliat blog org laen.. ad yg buat ngungkapin perasaan, ad yg buat ajang mamer, ajang kreatifitas, ajang ngasiy tw se-eksis apa mereka, dll.
makanya ini, g jadi bingung.. byasa siy.. mo mulis pake ENGLISH. tapi ENG g ancur abies mpe rumah sakit pun ga bisa nolong.
apa g nulis kesehariaan g seperti byasa ya..
tapi ntar pada tw gimana? yaa ga usa detail2 amat x yaa..
yoda deh.. mo nyari kulit2 blog yg bgs dulu,,, biar kelihatan bgs..
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